Monday, April 22, 2013

Steam Punk Fashion

Steampunk punk

If you are suffering with a real steampunk clothing obsession, there are a few things you might want to consider. To buy some of this stuff off the peg, in good quality, can be a little on the expensive side, or a lot on the expensive side! Not to say that that stuff is not really amazing and worth it, but its the sort of thing most people would have to save up for. I will share some my own opinions with you and you can have a reference if you are interested in this clothing fashion.

My solution to this is to get the cheaper costume stuff, and alter it, possibly doing a quick sewing job to an already existing item and altering it from normal to extravagant. There is also the ability to buy patterns and sew if you are up to using a sewing machine.

I do think the idea of modifying and altering the stuff you already have with fairly cheep items seems very much in the steampunk spirit. When you do your own alterations you are doing the creative thing that steampunk is all about. Strange modifications and unusual imaginings is exactly how a Victorian Punk would have had to do it! The very idea of buying 'off the peg' is actually a pretty new and modern way to shop. Custom items and altered items was the way to do things historically, and steampunk is the melding of history and visions of the future.

My point, be creative and have fun! I, personally, have to get over the idea that buying a cheep costume is cheep and not something I can wear often. There simply is no reason why I could not buy and use the costume kits to give new life to old clothing, and create something more comfortable for 'normal' wear.

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