Monday, April 1, 2013

Are you Alternative?

Are you concerned by people when you appeared in the public? Do you want to be attractive? If you do want to be concerned by the public and want to be attractive. Just choosing alternative clothing and you will be the most attractive one in the public. So how to be alternative is the most important thing and i will share some personal useful ideas with you as the following:

When you are dressing, i think you can choose some punk clothing style and you will look different with your different punk clothing outfit. As we known, Punk clothing style is a fashion which is used to express the wearers’ special personality by their strange clothing matching. There are some useful tips and you can use them as a reference:

First, you should be creative in your clothing matching and you should wear clothing that most of the people in our society can not accept. Second, you can have a research about those common clothing that most of the people can accept and you avoid them. Third, you can choose some punk musics to listen and this hobby will help you become a punk members to some extent. Fourth, you should use some special accessories which made in special patterns and has special prints on them. For example, you can use some accessories which is made in a shape of skull, cross or something which is strange and can represent the Punk style. Last, you should design a special hairstyle and this will help you make your clothing matching more attractive if you have a special punk hairstyle.

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