Friday, May 10, 2013
Gothic Fiction Characteristics
Gothic fashion is becoming more and more popular and people who want to show their unique personality will prefer to choose this clothing fashion to show themselves. Gothic fiction is also popular because the popularity of the Gothic fashion so many people will desire to know the features of the Gothic fiction. I will simply introduce some information about the characteristics of the Gothic fiction and you can have a read if you are interested in this alternative topic.
I will introduce the features about the content of the Gothic Fiction. As we know, Gothic fictions are mainly written for the gothic fashion lovers and these fictions will provide more fashion Gothic elements for the Gothic fashion lover. They also provide many good clothing designs for the Gothic fashion world. You will see the people in Gothic fashion all be described as wearing dark color clothing and this show the color feature of the Gothic clothing fashion. You also can read that there are many strange Clothing designs in these Gothic fictions and if you are Gothic clothing fashion lover and i think you can make these clothing images in reality. I believe you will have many gains when you read some Gothic fictions. The basic characteristics of the Gothic Fiction contents are the following:
Dark humanity: You will find that this content features is been shown greatly in the Gothic Fiction. This feature is influenced by the Victorian era culture and the dark humanity became the major source of inspiration for the gothic culture.
Supernatural themes: In Gothic fictions, you will find that ghosts and vampires are the both mainly themes. You will see that they have many supernatural abilities and some supernatural horrible habits. These features all show the Gothic fashion characteristics.
Dark colored things: You will find in the Gothic fiction dark colored things are full in the Gothic Fictions and this is also the theme of the Gothic fashion. Tthe costumes of this subculture are available in the dark shades, because of the supernatural themes.
Gothic architectures: You will see that more and more Gothic architectures are described in Gothic fictions. You will see this descriptions when the fiction is describing build houses. I also think Gothic architectures can give reader a old feeling so most of the fictions will follow this topic.
The love between vampires and common people: This is a hot point which appears in the fictions commonly and this topic also loved by the public. You will see some strange Gothic activities in these Gothic fictions. When you are reading, you will know what they will dress for parties which with different themes and backgrounds. You will know what they will wear for their alternative Gothic wedding. You also will know the methids they express their love to their families and lovers.
If you are wodering where to learn more about the Gothic fashion and i will recommend that you can read some Gothic fictions and then you will learn more about the Gothic not just the clot
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Vampire Fashion Costume Introduction
Nowadays, Vampire flim is vrey popular and most of the people is interested in their alternative colothing. I will simply introduce some kinds of Vampire costumes and you can have a reference if you are interested in this fashion style.
Twilight vampires: this Vampre costume has a style all their own that deviates from the damp, gothic catacombs of Dracula or Lestat. Learn how to create this sparkly modern wonder.
The Gothic Undead: This costume is suitable for boy. Since goth is a style all it's own, it is easy to find these parts to your gothic vampire costume. However, you could save some money with these gothic looks you can make at home: make a corset top; make a pair of fingerless glooves; prepare a pair of alternative combat.
A Classy Victorian Vamp: The lofty and sophisticated vampires of lace and leather are a standard approach to a blood-sucking persona. One way to accomplish this look without spending a lot of cash is to hit your local thrift store with old-fashioned touches in mind.
Thrift Store Finds: Pick up a pair of boots or dark heels at the thrift store, but don't waste your time looking for the right puffy shirt and period-style hat. Guys, try to find an old suit that comes close in fit.
For a cheap ladies costume, you can make many elements that are expensive in stores. Make your own corset top and long skirt with these simple tutorials.
Traditonal Dracula: For ladies: creat a corset top, to wear with a white dress shirt. Wear a dark skirt, long or short. A pair of boots or heels will both work with this look. Make a long hooded cap and style your hair in a neatly polished look. For guys: Wear a white shirt with a vest. Red and black work best for Dracula vest colors. The small tie at Dracula's neck can be imitated with a simple piece of black ribbon tied under the collar. Wear a pair of dress pants and nice shoes. Don't forget to slick back your hair and add a small 'widows peak' at the middle of the hairline with a bit of dark makeup that matches your hair color.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Several Alternative Films With Alternative Characters
Film is becoming a necessary thing in our daily life nowadays and they make our life not dull but colourful. Alternative is also a hot word today and most of the people will be interested in watching some alternatuve films and follow some dressing of the alternative characters in these films. If you are a fan of the alternatuive fashion and i think you will be interested in my this topic. I will simply introduce three alternative films and its characters as the following:
Pretty In Pink: I love this film a lot more than I like Sixteen Candles - a film set in the same time period with a lot of the same attributes. It stars one of the 'rejected kids', a girl by the name of Andie that dresses in self-made and second-hand clothes consisting mostly of Pink. I adore the fashion in this film which inspires me so much. It may not be black but it's still wonderful. If Pink isn't your thing you might like the styles of some of the co-starring characters - a male, Duckie, that dresses in an amazing street style and a Punky older friend. The film itself is a typical teen-romance and is almost always cited in awesome romances from the eighties. It's no wonder it's still so popular.
This Must Be The Place: I adore this film. Even though the ending is a terrible re-hash of most films with staring alternative people the main character moving on with his life, magically becoming a happy person and thus throwing away his alternative clothing. Am I the only one that this annoys the hell out of? The main character is obviously a take on The Cure's lead singer, Robert Smith. But that isn't the only Goth in this film with his younger friend, a young Goth girl and fan of his bands music. The story however is a bit more of an acquired taste but with the broad theme of self-acceptance I think the plot of searching to kill a Nazi from Auschwitz is a lot more available to audiences.
SLC Punk: Let's face it. I go through phases in which I study different subcultures obsessively. Goths, Skinheads but Punk is one that has really stuck. SLC Punk was a film that I watched when first entranced in the Punk web. And it was everything a good film should be. Absolutely heart-breaking again and again but with a foreseeable conclusion that still has an impact. The film is filled with a documentary-like narration which I love that explains the main characters life-style and about the 'scene' - which you shouldn't take as fact. The ending takes the 'phase' trend of alternative characters into a different light that didn't seem as silly to me - but you'll have to watch it to find out.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
How to Be Alterantive?
If you are still searching ways on how to help you become alternative and i think you will interested in my this article. I will share some small tips on how to help you become alternative and you can have a reference if you want to show your alternative personality through your alternative clothing.
First, get creative, make your own shirts. Try getting pieces of different materials and sewing them together. If you can't sew, learn. Put things together that may not go together and see what happens. If in doubt, wear a plain shirt. If you have nothing to say, say nothing. The key is to be comfortable with what you are wearing, and who you are.
Second, never limit yourself to jeans. While jeans are nice, they are also what everyone else is wearing. If you feel like wearing suit pants, then do so. If you feel like wearing a kilt, then do so. The point isn't what looks good, or what other people like, its what you like. Take something 'strange', then take it a bit further.
Third, a common thing for people going alternative, is to wear Converse shoes. That is fine, and sends signals to others going the same way. However, Wear what you like, or what makes you comfortable. Again, being alternative is an attitude.
Last, take up a hobby that involves visual arts. Start drawing, playing music or making videos for fun. Post those videos on YouTube. Do something that is creative, that gets you thinking outside the square. Expect to hear negativity, but keep pushing boundaries.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
What is Alternative Fashion?

The phrase “alternative fashion” is often associated with styles that differ from mainstream trends. The phrase itself depicts fashion choices that are not only unique but constantly altered. Alternative fashion is typically linked to teenagers and young adults, although people of any age may participate in this style of dress. In fact, most any type of style can be considered alternative fashion to other people. I will simply introduce some information about this clothing fashion and you can have a reference if you are interested in this alternative clothing fashion.
Emo fashion has its roots in a style of rock music. Lyrically emotional and melodically catchy, the songs have been capturing a certain kind of audience since roughly the mid-1980s. While the emo movement enjoyed moderate underground popularity until the 21st century, it has since become more mainstream. Fashion critics often contend that since more and more clothing designers have manufactured styles directed toward this crowd, it's not as “alternative” as it once was.
Emo kids-as they are often called — are generally depicted as wearing tight jeans or pants, band t-shirts, neon colors contrasted with shades of black, and shoes manufactured by skateboard brands. Studded belts, thick-rimmed glasses and shaggy haircuts are also associated with emo fashion.
Goth or gothic fashion is another style of alternative fashion. Considered a type of subculture, people who have “gone goth” are often seen wearing all black, with occasional splashes of white or gray. Black hair is also common, worn in wild or long, straight manners. Heavy black makeup — including black lips — are also associated with this type of alternative fashion.
Considered androgynous in many ways, goth clothing is worn by both men and women. Like other forms of alternative fashion, there is no age or geographic restrictions associated with the goth subculture. Both men and women in this scene may wear tulle or velvet skirts, black boots and fishnet accessories. Gothic people are also generally pale, as Goths are stereotyped as disliking the sun. Macabre, erotic and morbid accessories are also parts of this fashion trend.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Alternative Jewelry and Accessory
Nowadays alternative trends are growing in popularity. Everyone is labeled: punk, rock, hipster, rapper - you name it. If you are a fan of the Alternative clothing fashion and you will know jewelry and accessories are of great importance in dressing alternatively. I will simply introduce some information about this clothing fashion and you can have a reference if you are interested in this topic.
In the Rock industry, everyong wears something. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets - you name it, they're all there. A common characteristic of rock accessories is aggressiveness. Necklaces are usually heavy and have thematic pendants, such as skulls or crosses, bracelets are leather-based and earrings come in all shapes and sizes - but nevertheless, they have to be stylish. In addition, chains are very popular in the rock and metal movement. People attach them to their jeans, along with leather belts. It puts emphasis on the individual's rebellion and non-conformism. This movement comes with additional "accessories" - tattoos and piercings, both meeting a major growth in popularity.
In addition, body piercings are also important in this alternative fashion. So if you are want to show your alternative personality through your alternative clothing and you should remember to give yourself some alternative body ptercings.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Alternative Dark Punk Rock Clothes
Dark and gloomy: when you are choosing your alternative Punk Rock clothing. Please just remember black is the main popular of this fashion.Wear a black leather motorcycle jacket on cool days or a faux fur full length coat. Finish your outfit with a variety of spiked or studded fist cuffs, dog collars and chain necklaces. Don't forget to fill all of your piercings with silver- or black-studded metal pieces.
If you want to be alternative and i think you can choose something which doesn’t fit you figure. For example, you can choose a pair of jean which is big for you and this will make you look more attractive than choosing a suitable one. Just remember to choose thing that most of the people won’t choose and you will be different.
You also should have some body piercing which is in a special patterns and you also should have some special accessories and this will help you look more alternative.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Streetwear Alternative Clothing Store
I believe most of the people in our society will want to be different from the others and almost everyone want to be attractive when they appear in the public. If you are the fan of the alternative fashion and i think you will be interested in this article. I will simply introdude some information about the streetwear alternative clothing and you can have a reference if you are interested in this Alternative clothing fashion.
If you are just one of those people who appreciate mainstream fashion but really do not see yourself wearing clothes that do not have a lot to say about who you are, then it makes great sense to visit a streetwear alternative clothing store in order to search for the clothes that you want and need to wear. These clothes will not only look fabulous on you, they are also comfortable and project a positive and creative image of who you are. There are few streetwear alternative clothing store owners who carry unique street wear clothing; thanks to the internet, you can search for and the ones that do. Yes, you can find comfortable, durable, fun and stylish clothing that you will need in order to make your personal expression at only a reputable streetwear alternative clothing store.
You might be tempted to make your own unique street wear clothing, but if you are not a trained designer, it would be impossible to make clothes that will not scream "home sewn!"Good street wear designers have learned the art of designing clothes that can be worn for a different functions and ensure that heads keep turning in your direction. Street wear designers put a lot of thought into designing and creating each piece of clothing and accessories. You will definitely feel very confident and comfortable when you wear good street wear clothing.
Yes, the fashion industry is one that is filled with different types of designers, but it is important that you choose to wear clothes from designers who have a "point of view". Remember, fashion is a statement and not a question.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Something About Alternative Gothic
If you want to be an alternative person and i think most of you will choose some Alternative clothing. Gothic clothing style is the most perfect one and you can use this clothing style to help you to be more alternative. I will simply introduce something about this clothing fashion and you can have a reference if you are interested in this fashion.
Do you know where the exactlt name ‘Gothic’ come from? The Gothic name initially came from a Germanic tribe. The Romans considered them as barbaric and not cultured. 'Gothic' was later applied to a type of Medieval architecture by critics who deemed it as similarly barbaric and uncultured. The term was later applied to a late 18th/early 19th century type of literature which had a fascination with death and also the supernatural.The actual term 'Gothic' was first placed to the music which is now regarded 'goth' in about 1979 with the release of the track 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' by Bauhaus. Many youngsters were fascinated by this mysterious sound and a different culture was born.
What is the exact Gothic look? The early goths looked similar to punks except that the major colors were black for hair and clothing (with the occasional touch of navy blue, deep red or purple) as well as silver for jewellery. They additionally tended to spout a lot of fishnet (more usually on the arms for men) with a unique style of make upconsisting of white faces with quite a lot of black eyeliner (for both sexes). Hair was ordinarily coloured black, very light blonde or red). To start with the hair was usually pretty short for men, backcombed up, but by the mid-to-late 80's long black hair became trendy. Goth makeup remains an essential part of the appearance. Both goth mens clothing in addition to apparelhas diversified in the sense that some individuals now don clothing influenced by 18th or early 19th century styles whilst others wear bondage or fetish fashion in the form of PVC, leather, latex and rubber.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Steam Punk Fashion
If you are suffering with a real steampunk clothing obsession, there are a few things you might want to consider. To buy some of this stuff off the peg, in good quality, can be a little on the expensive side, or a lot on the expensive side! Not to say that that stuff is not really amazing and worth it, but its the sort of thing most people would have to save up for. I will share some my own opinions with you and you can have a reference if you are interested in this clothing fashion.
My solution to this is to get the cheaper costume stuff, and alter it, possibly doing a quick sewing job to an already existing item and altering it from normal to extravagant. There is also the ability to buy patterns and sew if you are up to using a sewing machine.
I do think the idea of modifying and altering the stuff you already have with fairly cheep items seems very much in the steampunk spirit. When you do your own alterations you are doing the creative thing that steampunk is all about. Strange modifications and unusual imaginings is exactly how a Victorian Punk would have had to do it! The very idea of buying 'off the peg' is actually a pretty new and modern way to shop. Custom items and altered items was the way to do things historically, and steampunk is the melding of history and visions of the future.
My point, be creative and have fun! I, personally, have to get over the idea that buying a cheep costume is cheep and not something I can wear often. There simply is no reason why I could not buy and use the costume kits to give new life to old clothing, and create something more comfortable for 'normal' wear.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Alternative Fashion-----Life out on the Fringe
Have you ever flipped through the popular fashion magazines and wondered where in the worldthese designers are getting their ideas? Everyone from celebrities to teenage kids is wearing the same tired boring styles that are handed down to them from the so-called high fashion runways. Many people are seeking fashion ideas and inspiration from designers that are more in tune with the way that they like to live their lives. If you are a firm believer that art imitates life, and are looking for fashion that echoes this sentiment, you are searching for the Alternative fashion movement. If you've never heard of alternative fashion before, you should know that it means a lot more than just wearing something other than what's offered to you.
Alternative fashion is a state of mind that chooses to challenge the styles of society instead of becoming a victim of them. The people who choose to design, sell and wear alternative clothes are those that feel that more than being a way to cover your body, fashion is a way to express the person that you are inside, and the person that you want to be. Sometimes alternative fashion takes its inspiration from music and sometimes it takes its inspiration from a subculture that very few people know about.
If you are just starting to learn about alternative fashion, but you've grown up loving punk or emo music, than you should know that you probably already engage in wearing some alternative fashion. Goth styles, emo styles, industrial and hip hop styles are all examples of alternative style that's been influenced by a certain genre of music. While these styles are usually pretty over the top, they are almost always designed more to make a statement and to emulate the music than to be practical and comfortable. Most people that wear alternative fashion know that it can be a huge commitment to dress that way every day.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The New Approach to Fashion ----- Alternative Clothing
For today's generation, fashion is holy. It is not limited to few styles but has taken a whole new meaning. With the creativity of people a new style is emerging with each passing day. Alternative is hot today and most of the people will choose this clothing fashion to express their difference form the other people. I will share some personal advices on this clothing fashion and you can have a reference if you are an Alternative person or who want to use this clothing fashion to show your different personality.
Alternative clothing fashion is popular among today’s youngsters these days. It can be associated with punk or new rock, Gothic or dark clothing and even heavy metal clothing. These styles cannot be expressed in words. They are not bounded by any particular look.
The alternative clothing doesn't mean any extraordinary stuff it's just the way one carries it makes all the difference. These styles are mostly prevalent amongst hard rock fans that love and admire their artists. New rock or punk trend is the one that can be worn by everyone. It is basically a relaxed and comfortable style of attire. With loose baggy kind of jeans and loose t- shirts, the wearer feels very comfy. Gothic is one style which enhances the hourglass figure of women and makes the wearer look voguish. The dark makeup is a favorite on the runway. Designers are presenting gothic in a new flair with bright colors and accessories.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Making Your Own Rock Star Clothes
Rock star fashion is rebellious and wild. Most of the people in our world want to express their special personality to the whole world and they are finding different methods to do this. I think the best way to express your personality is wearing alternative clothing. This will help you to be fashionable and alternative. I will share some small tips on how to be a Rock star by designing your own rock star clothes as the following and you can have an reference if you want to be alternative.
First, laying a t-shirt out on a flat surface. The t-shirt can be plain white, or have embellishments on it, such as red lips or a skull and crossbones.
Second, using scissors to cut one side of the shirt from underneath the sleeve to the neckline on the other side of the shirt. This effectively removes one sleeve and makes the shirt asymmetrical.
Third, laying a pair of dark, denim jeans on a flat surface. Using a pair of scissors, cut a medium-sized hole just above the knees of the jeans. Cut one side or both, depending on your preference.
Last, using your fingers, stretch out the hole and make it look frayed by pulling on it. The hole should not be huge; it should look worn and natural.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Introduction About Alternative Rock Clothes
Do you want to show your special personality through your alternative clothing? Do you want to be different from the other people in our society? You will have your own alternative clothing style when you read my articles. I will introduce some simple information about the style of Alternative Rock clothes as the following and you can have a reference when you are considering which king of clothing style will help you express your personality.
Dark and gloomy will be your clothing themes. Everyday is Halloween if you love Goth and punk music. You tend to wear a little more eyeliner than the typical person, have black painted fingernails and sport a jagged black haircut.
The main fashion color scheme for any Goth is black. Select black pants for guys, or girls can try a pair of ripped fishnet stockings underneath a tight black leather skirt. Dr. Martens are the best shoes for footwear, but you can also find some cool chunky and spiky shoes at some of the underground alternative fashion stores.
Select your favorite Goth or famous band t-shirt---even better if it's ripped. Wear a black leather motorcycle jacket on cool days or a faux fur full length coat. Finish your outfit with a variety of spiked or studded fist cuffs, dog collars and chain necklaces. Don't forget to fill all of your piercings with silver- or black-studded metal pieces.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Alternative Table--------Alternative House Decoration
If you are a fan of alternative fashion and i think you will be interested in my following article. I will introduce some kinds of alternative tables which will bring your house an alternative fashion feeling. Not only can you express your alternative personality trough your alternative clothing matching but also can by choosing some alternative furniture to decorate your house. If you are interested in alternative fashion and you can have a reference when you are choosing some furniture to decorate your house.
Wood tables: A wood table will be a interesting choice if you want to give your house a more natural feeling. You can choose the tables which made from the following wood materials: teak, pine, cypress, cedar and so on. In addition, unlike other table materials, wood does not absorb heat or cold, so it remains comfortable to the touch under most weather conditions. You should clean it frequently in order to help your wood table keep its original face.
Metal tables: If you are lover of shiny things and i think metal table will be a perfect choice for you. But you should cover it with some things in order to protect it from rusting.
Plastic tables: Plastic patio tables may be a good alternative to glass, particularly if you are on a budget. They are durable but lightweight, so they are easily rearranged and may often be stacked for convenient storage. Many plastic patio tables are made from recycled materials, which makes them an ideal option if you have environmental concerns. In addition, plastic tables may be rinsed with soap and water for easy cleaning.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Alternative Glasseses--------Alternative You
Nowadays, more and more people are trying to find a way to show their alternative personality to the world. They may think what kind of clothes they should choose and how to match them. Today, i will introduce some small tips about how to make you alternative just by using a simple glasses and you can have a reference when you are worrying about how to dress yourself alternatively.
As we known, eyes are the important part in our daily life, no matter when you are doing anything. So if you want to be an Alternative fashion people and i think you can prepare a pair of alternative glasses. You can pass your alternative personality to
About how to choose a pair of alternative glasses, I will show my ideas about glasses choosing guides as the following:
First, determine your face shape. Specific styles of glasses work best with several basic face shapes. The desired effect is balance -- so wear sunglasses that contrast with your face's appearance.
Second, Pick a great style. Designer sunglasses feature the trendiest styles and the highest quality. Fashion sunglasses also feature designer styling -- without the brand-name price. While their primary purpose is eye protection, sport sunglasses can be very stylish. In fact, a pair of protective sunglasses became fashionable by accident.
Last, Buy genuine designer sunglasses to make a statement. When buying sunglasses online, you may find that discount sunglasses, allegedly from top designers, are, in fact, cheap knock-offs instead of the real deal. If so, the chances of a refund are pretty slim, so buy from a reputable dealer -- one with a history of selling authentic, quality products. Be aware that sunglasses are one item where the highest price doesn't always mean the best product. Some designer sunglasses may not include the safety features that your eyes deserve.
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